A couple weeks ago a twitter thread showed up in my feed where this guy had just read Wi-Fi Network Design for dummies from Ekahau and wanted more information about WiFi.
As today is International Podcast Day I thought I would repost my list of WiFi podcasts that I listen to regularly. I’ve found that I gain a familiarity with the vocabulary as I listen. Then when I study for certifications the concepts are easier to learn. It’s a bit of drinking from the firehose to start, but well worth the effort if you can stick with it.
Clear to Send @cleartosend
This was the first podcast I found when I started digging into WiFi in earnest around the middle of 2017. By that time Rowell had a couple years of episodes under his belt already. François joined roughly around this time I think and they’ve been sharing host duties. Lots of great information and interviews. Always improving and bringing better content.
Wireless LAN Professionals @wirelesslanpros
This was the second podcast I found, and I listened to as many back episodes of this as possible as well. Each episode generally starts with an interview and finishes with one of the many Ten Talks from the Wireless LAN Professionals Conference (WLPC) all of which are viewable on their YouTube channel.
The Contention Window @the_cw_podcast
Currently up to episode 13, Scott and Tauni seem to be in it for the long haul. An interesting mix of WiFi industry news, interviews, and weekly topics. Give them a listen!
The Whiskey and Wireless Show @WhiskeyNWiFi
Not as regular as the podcasts above, and recently it happens only at various conferences. Worth a watch (or listen) to see WiFi nerds gathered together and talking mostly about WiFi, until the whiskey kicks in.
The WiFi Ninjas @WiFiNinjas
Another newer podcast with Mac and Matt as hosts. Started around April 2019 they’ve been very consistent and are definitely worth your time as they explain some real world situations and the resolutions they found.
Wireless Banter Show @wirelessbanter
The newest of all the shows on this list. Formed when Jussi, Jerry, and Joel couldn’t stop doing a weekly webinar together. They purport to to have “topics”, but it’s closer to Whiskey and WiFi at times. A generally fun time, especially if you can catch it live. Recently summed up perfectly as, “it struck the perfect balance between train wreck and dumpster fire”
WiFi Podcasts are a niche for sure, but the community is growing and engaging. Everyone I’ve met at a conference or interacted with has been very willing to share their knowledge and offer advice. Some of them manage to do that in the WiFi podcasts I make time to listen to every week.